Now begin work on the questions should bring .... umbrella
A. a
B. some
C. many
D. an
jawab : D an
karena merupakan singular noun / kata benda tunggal
2.I need to drink ..... water because Iam thirsty
A. a
B. one
C. some
D. an
jawab : C some
karena water bukan object tunggal tetapi banyak
3. . ...your sisters going shopping at the moment?
A. Is
B. Were
D. do
jawab: A is
karena karena kalimat tanya yang di pakai seharusnya bukan is kareana merupakan tobe
4.What did she ..... for breakfast this morning
A. has
B. eats
C ate
D have
jawab D. have
did seharusnya diikuti Verb 1
Part B written expresiion
1. I attended the book launching yesterday , but I coult not get the write’s autograph
A. attended
B. book launcing
C. coult not get
D. write’s autograph
jawab : B book launcing
karena pada kt “book launcing” seharusnyamenjadi launcing book
2.The Bedroom is small too for the ten childrean to sleep in
A. Bedroom
B. Small too
C. childrean
D. sleep in
jawab B.small too
karena kata small too seharusnya menjadi to small
3.Theam always play tennis on Saturday afternoon or on Sunday mornings
A. Theam
B. on
D. mornings
jawab A.Theam
karena kata” Theam” seharusnya they yang merupakan subject orang pertama
4.My Brother always goes to campus on car every day
A. My
C.on car
jawab C. on car
kata On car seharusnya menjadi by car.
Minggu, 26 Juni 2011
1. Where does the girl ..... now ?
A. he lives
B. works
C. Lives
D. work
jawab: D. work
karena kalimat tanya verb yang digunakan verb pertama
2. He said that they would ..... him the next day.
A. meet
B. saw
C. seen
D. met
jawab: A meet
karena future tense maka verb yang digunakan verb pertama
3. The house is .... now
A. be renovated renovating
C. being renovated
D. been renovated
Jawab B is renovating
karena “ NOW” menunjukan bahwa tenses yang digunakan present continuous tense.
4. what does your mother...?
A do
B does
C doing
D done
jawab A .do
karena kalimat tanya maka kata kerja yang dipakai verb bentuk pertama.
Part B Written expression
1. Peter was the first arrive at school yesterday morning
A. was
B. arrive
C. school
D. morning
jawab : B arrive
karena keterangan waktu lampau maka arrivenya bentuk kedua < past tense> menjadi arrived
2. All of us were shocked see the victims of the accident
A. all of
B. were
C. see
D. victims
karena kejadiannya langsung jadi memakai ‘gerond’
3. Women nowadays all over the world plays a very significant role in politics
A. nowadays
B. the
D .significant
jawab C plays
subject womenya plural maka verb plays nya tidak usah ditambah ‘S’ jadi play
4 I have decided to postpone visit my grandparents
A. have
B to
D. grandparents
jawab B to
karena seharusnya decide post pone to visit
A. he lives
B. works
C. Lives
D. work
jawab: D. work
karena kalimat tanya verb yang digunakan verb pertama
2. He said that they would ..... him the next day.
A. meet
B. saw
C. seen
D. met
jawab: A meet
karena future tense maka verb yang digunakan verb pertama
3. The house is .... now
A. be renovated renovating
C. being renovated
D. been renovated
Jawab B is renovating
karena “ NOW” menunjukan bahwa tenses yang digunakan present continuous tense.
4. what does your mother...?
A do
B does
C doing
D done
jawab A .do
karena kalimat tanya maka kata kerja yang dipakai verb bentuk pertama.
Part B Written expression
1. Peter was the first arrive at school yesterday morning
A. was
B. arrive
C. school
D. morning
jawab : B arrive
karena keterangan waktu lampau maka arrivenya bentuk kedua < past tense> menjadi arrived
2. All of us were shocked see the victims of the accident
A. all of
B. were
C. see
D. victims
karena kejadiannya langsung jadi memakai ‘gerond’
3. Women nowadays all over the world plays a very significant role in politics
A. nowadays
B. the
D .significant
jawab C plays
subject womenya plural maka verb plays nya tidak usah ditambah ‘S’ jadi play
4 I have decided to postpone visit my grandparents
A. have
B to
D. grandparents
jawab B to
karena seharusnya decide post pone to visit
Now begin work on the questions.
1. The Woman ...... here three days ago.
A. she comes
B. came
C. comes
D. coming
jawab : B came
waktu lampau maka verbnya yang digunakan verb past tense
2. ....... usually goes jogging on Sunday.
A. are
B. every day
C. My sister
D. The children
jawab C my sister
verb yang dipakai untuk object singular
3. There werw ... on the table yesterday morning .
A. it is water
B. some water
C. some oranges
D. any mangoes
jawab C some oranges
karena tobe were menunjukan object berjumlah plural
4. The .... always walks in the park in the mornings.
A. childrean
B. kids
C. women
D. man
jawab D man
verb walks menunjukan klo subject yang dipakai harus lah singular
Part B.
Now begin work on the questions
1. How much is a kilos of apples in the supermarket now?
A. How
B. is
C. kilos
D. in the
jawab C kilos
alasan karena adanya articel “a” maka kata “kilos” tidak perlu ditambah “S”
2.Some students always arrives at school eraly in the morning
A. Some
B. arrives
D. the morning
jawab B arrives
alasan karena subject plural, verb "arrives"nya tidak usah ditamabah "S"
3Does your father and your mother always go jogging on Sundays?
A. does
B. and
C. always
D. Sundays
jawab A.does
alasan karena subject plural maka seharusnya verb yang dipakai do bukan does
4Everyone knows that linda is a very girl polite
A . everyone
D.girl polite
jawab.D girl polite
alasan penulisan kata girl polite itu salah harusnya “polite girl”
1. The Woman ...... here three days ago.
A. she comes
B. came
C. comes
D. coming
jawab : B came
waktu lampau maka verbnya yang digunakan verb past tense
2. ....... usually goes jogging on Sunday.
A. are
B. every day
C. My sister
D. The children
jawab C my sister
verb yang dipakai untuk object singular
3. There werw ... on the table yesterday morning .
A. it is water
B. some water
C. some oranges
D. any mangoes
jawab C some oranges
karena tobe were menunjukan object berjumlah plural
4. The .... always walks in the park in the mornings.
A. childrean
B. kids
C. women
D. man
jawab D man
verb walks menunjukan klo subject yang dipakai harus lah singular
Part B.
Now begin work on the questions
1. How much is a kilos of apples in the supermarket now?
A. How
B. is
C. kilos
D. in the
jawab C kilos
alasan karena adanya articel “a” maka kata “kilos” tidak perlu ditambah “S”
2.Some students always arrives at school eraly in the morning
A. Some
B. arrives
D. the morning
jawab B arrives
alasan karena subject plural, verb "arrives"nya tidak usah ditamabah "S"
3Does your father and your mother always go jogging on Sundays?
A. does
B. and
C. always
D. Sundays
jawab A.does
alasan karena subject plural maka seharusnya verb yang dipakai do bukan does
4Everyone knows that linda is a very girl polite
A . everyone
D.girl polite
jawab.D girl polite
alasan penulisan kata girl polite itu salah harusnya “polite girl”
PART B Written Expression
1. The students in the classroom is very diligent.
A. The
B. in
C. is
D. diligent
Jawab: C is
To be is untuk subject singular karena subject yang dipakai pada soal plural (The students) maka tobe nya harus are.
2. Does he needs to go to campus every day to meet his professor?
A. needs
B. go to campus
C. day
D. meet
Jawab: A needs
Verb ‘’need’’ tidak menggunakan tambahan (S) karena pada subject sudah ada does.
3.Physics are a very interesting lesson for peter and Albert.
A. are
B. intersting
C. for
D. and
Jawab : A are
Subject physics (singular) harus nya memakai to be is (singular)
4. The small childrean do not know the dangerous of playing near the river
A. The small
B. do
C. know
D. dangerous
Jawab: B do
The small childrean (singular) harus nya memakai tenses does (tenses untuk subject tunggal)
1. The students in the classroom is very diligent.
A. The
B. in
C. is
D. diligent
Jawab: C is
To be is untuk subject singular karena subject yang dipakai pada soal plural (The students) maka tobe nya harus are.
2. Does he needs to go to campus every day to meet his professor?
A. needs
B. go to campus
C. day
D. meet
Jawab: A needs
Verb ‘’need’’ tidak menggunakan tambahan (S) karena pada subject sudah ada does.
3.Physics are a very interesting lesson for peter and Albert.
A. are
B. intersting
C. for
D. and
Jawab : A are
Subject physics (singular) harus nya memakai to be is (singular)
4. The small childrean do not know the dangerous of playing near the river
A. The small
B. do
C. know
D. dangerous
Jawab: B do
The small childrean (singular) harus nya memakai tenses does (tenses untuk subject tunggal)
PART A Structure
1. Mathematics .... not my favarite lesson.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) become
Jawab: B is
Subject yang digunakan singular
2. There will be an interesting program .... television this evening.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) to
Jawab: B on
Karena kalimat yang tepat untuk tevision adalah on
3.The tea in the cup on the table .... very hot.
(A) are
(B) were
(C) will
(D) is
Jawab: D is
subject “The tea in the cup” tidak ada tambahan ‘’S” pada kata ‘tea’ nya maka subject tersebut singular
4.Linda and her sister usually ... to campus by car every day
(A) goes
(B) is
(C) would
(D) go
Jawab: D go
Subject yang digunakan jamak = Linda dan kakanya
1. Mathematics .... not my favarite lesson.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) were
(D) become
Jawab: B is
Subject yang digunakan singular
2. There will be an interesting program .... television this evening.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) at
(D) to
Jawab: B on
Karena kalimat yang tepat untuk tevision adalah on
3.The tea in the cup on the table .... very hot.
(A) are
(B) were
(C) will
(D) is
Jawab: D is
subject “The tea in the cup” tidak ada tambahan ‘’S” pada kata ‘tea’ nya maka subject tersebut singular
4.Linda and her sister usually ... to campus by car every day
(A) goes
(B) is
(C) would
(D) go
Jawab: D go
Subject yang digunakan jamak = Linda dan kakanya
Kamis, 21 April 2011
sekilas catatan tentang UN (Ujian Nasional)

1. Fenomena istigasah berarti menunjukan bahwa kondisi kejiwaan kepala sekolah ,guru2 & murid merasa terancam ketakutan oleh kegagalan UN yg akan dilaksanakan. istigasah juga menunjukan tidak tanggung jawabnya kepala sekolah & guru terhadap kegagalan UN, melainkan tuhan tidak mau menolong guru & murid.
2. Pemerintah hanya mencemaskan tentang kejujuran dari para kepala sekolah dan murid untuk tidak melakukan kecurangan dalam menghadapi UN ,hal ini di buktikan dengan yang dilakukan kementrian pendidikan nasional melibatkan polisi sebagai pengawas dan para pejabat tinggi serta dinas penddikan wilayah menandatangani akta kejujuran.
3. Pasal 58 ayat 1 UU sistem pendidikan nasional menyatakan bahwa evaluasi hasil belajar peserta didik , bukan penilaian akhir penyelesaian jenjang pendidikan. ini menggambarkan bahwa kebijakan UN tidak memiliki dasar hukum dan bertentangan dengan keputusan mahkamah agung (melanggar hak asasi anak).
4. Kecemasan terhadap UN di jadikan alat evaluasi akhir peserta didik untuk memberikan ijasah kepada peserta didik sebagai pengakuan terhadap prestasi belajar padahal untuk memperoleh ijasah tersebut peserta didik harus lulus ujian yang di selenggarakan kementrian pendidikan nasional
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